Originally I meant this series to be a four parter. Here we are at part four and in the the time from when I started compiling my lists and now I have discovered even more spooky podcasts. So if you like these lists, keep an eye out for at least one more! How about 10 scary story podcasts you should be listening to?
If you missed my previous lists you can find them here: Dark Fiction Sci-Fi, Paranormal Audio Drama, Dark Fiction Audio Drama.
This time I will be focusing on podcasts that feature scary stories. Most are paranormal, some are based on true events. These are my absolute favorite types of podcasts and there are so many great ones. They are especially great to listen to during the Halloween season to get yourself in the spooky mood anytime.

Knifepoint Horror
This podcast has no set schedule so it is always a pleasant surprise when a new episode shows up in my feed. Each story is it’s own separate tale told in first person. While new episodes are few and far between, the podcast has been around since 2010 so there is plenty to binge while waiting for the next release.

The Other Stories
Each month features a different set of stories base on that month’s theme. Past themes have included zombies, time travel, space, AI, Werewolves, Deities, Serial Killers, and so much more. The great thing about this podcasts is that there are a bunch of different writers and the stories that they come up with are all unique.

Nightmare Magazine
This podcast consists of audio recordings of select stories from the magazine. The podcast comes out twice a month, if that’s not enough for you, I highly recommend the digital magazine as well.

Ghosts In The Burbs
I’m very sad to say that this podcast has just ended it’s run, which is a bummer because it is/was my favorite. The writer and narrator, Liz Sawer, is a master storyteller and her characters are so well written that it’s hard sometimes to remember it’s all fiction. She also has a couple of books out, which you can find on Amazon here, with plans for more in the future.

Let’s Not Meet
These are true tales taken from the Let’s Not Meet subreddit and listener submitted stories. They range from creepy one-time encounters to full on years of terrifying stalker activity. Most are narrated by creator Andrew Tate, though there have been many episodes with guest narrators as well.

The No Sleep Podcast
This is one of the first podcasts that I listened to and how I entered the world of spooky podcasts, so it holds a special place in my heart. I found out about it because originally the stories came from the NoSleep subreddit which I used to read religiously. There is a free version and a longer paid version of this podcast. I would recommend listening to it a bit before deciding to buy a season pass.

Snap Judgement Presents: Spooked
I LOVE this podcast! I stumbled upon it last year and was instantly hooked. It features real people telling their own true tales of the paranormal and it’s terrifying. This podcast only posts around Halloween, but the good news is that this season they doubled the amount of episodes.

If you are into creepy pasta and urban legends, this podcast is for you! Episodes are released weekly and included retellings of popular stories from around the internet. In October, they post one story per day for the entire month. A great way to get your 31 days of horror on!

The Moonlit Road
This podcasts has been inactive for a couple years but still has their feed up. The episodes include strange tales and myths set it the South. Great for a spooky story binge or to play while sitting around a campfire.

Chilling Tales for Dark Nights
Each episode of this unsettling podcasts features a few different stories. I just started listening to this one, so I have yet to go through the entire catalog, but I like what I’ve heard so far!
Bonus: Kimberly’s Story
Have you heard Kimberly’s story? I don’t remember how I found out about this originally but once I listened to it it definitely stayed with me. The backstory is that there is a teacher that tells this real-life ghost story in his class every year and one year a student recorded it and put it up online.
It’s not a podcast, it’s a single story, and the audio isn’t that great – but the story is scary as hell. I still haven’t decided if I think it’s all true or not, but I revisit it every once in a while if I’m in need of a chill.
10 Scary Story Podcasts You Should be Listening to – Michelle Roth 2019
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